Foundations: Love God
About this course
What does it mean to ‘love God?’ Does God really care how we love Him? He does. God provides many ways for us to connect with Him and for us to experience the love and kindness He wants to offer us in return. Learn more about how to love God based on three building blocks of discipleship—prayer, scripture, and baptism—and begin to experience God in life-changing ways.
Things you’ll learn
- God’s mission and how to be a part of it
- Tools for being real about your beauty and brokenness
- Tips for prayer, memorizing scripture, and meditation
- The practice of fasting
- What baptism is all about
How to Get Started
What to expect
📖 9 Lessons
▶️ 2 Hours of video
🗣 Discussion questions
🖨️ Printable tools
📚 Additional resources
✉ Reach out if you have questions
Do I Have a spiritual gift?
You have a gift because God has a mission and He is inviting you to be a part of it. In your discovery of your spiritual gifting, Vivi challenges you to answer three important questions: Does it align with God’s Word? Has it been affirmed by God’s people? Does your gift aim to edify God’s church? This first lesson will help you answer these questions and more.
Who did God create me to be?
You matter. God created each of us uniquely, but our sinful world will often twist the goodness of God in us. In order for us to truly live out our full potential, we have to discover who we are by identifying our strengths and our sinful tendencies. In this lesson, Tammy talks about our inner beauty and brokenness and how they work together to help us better understand who God has truly created us to be.
How should I read the Bible?
Beginning the habit of reading the Bible can sometimes feel overwhelming or intimidating. Claude walks us through a simple process on how to break down scripture so that you can build the habit of not just reading scripture but actually memorizing it and gaining a deeper understanding of God along the way.
Is it weird to meditate?
Reading and knowing scripture transforms us. In this lesson, Jeff walks us through a scripture reading practice, traditionally called ‘Lectio Divina,’ which is Latin for ‘divine reading.’ This practice increases your connection with God by incorporating elements of meditation, scripture reading, and prayer in a unique experience.
Why should I worship?
You might be surprised to learn that worship is more than just singing—worship is our response to what we value most. When we gather together and choose to worship through singing, we become vulnerable; when we are vulnerable we are the most real with God. In this lesson, Melody defines what worship is and why we worship.
Is ‘fasting’ still relevant?
We live in a culture where we believe appetite and hunger are the same thing. In this lesson, Fredo challenges us to recenter our appetite for food or other kinds of materialism that might hinder our formation towards Jesus by defining what fasting actually means.
How can I hear God’s voice?
In a busy and noisy world, with competing voices and conflicting messages, solitude and silence allows us to clearly hear the voice and intimately experience the presence of God; the One who knows us perfectly and loves us fully. In this lesson, Dan explains how to find solitude and silence in the midst of our busy lives.
How do I pray?
Prayer is about asking God to align our head and heart with His will and accepting his invitation to partner with him. When we pray, we are pouring out our hearts to God in humble gratitude in order to experience the abundant life that God promises. In this lesson, Erik outlines what Jesus has to say about prayer as shown in Matthew 6:9.
Should I get baptized?
Baptism is a beautiful and significant Christian practice where a person symbolically dies to their old self and is raised to a new life in Jesus through full submersion in water. Pastor Brian shares how you might know when you are ready to take this next step in your faith and the celebration of this decision.