Is it weird to meditate?

9 minutes4 of 9

Reading and knowing scripture transforms us. In this lesson, Jeff walks us through a scripture reading practice, traditionally called ‘Lectio Divina,’ which is Latin for ‘divine reading.’ This practice increases your connection with God by incorporating elements of meditation, scripture reading, and prayer in a unique experience.

Start here:

Step One: Click the arrow above to watch the video

Step Two: Download and go through the Work It Out questions

Step Three: (optional) Check out any of the additional Resources on this topic! Grab your copy of the Sacred Rhythms book, read more about the practice of Lectio Divina, and download the Lectio 365 and Bible apps!

Step Four: Mark complete, and you are ready for the next lesson

About The Resources:

Work It Out Questions (PDF): Questions for you to work through individually or in a group

Sacred Rhythms (Book): Explore seven key spiritual disciplines and how to practically weave them into your life.

Lectio Divina: Engaging the Scriptures for Spiritual Transformation (Website): Explore a deeper understanding of the process and practice of Lectio Divina.

Lectio 365 (App): Download this FREE app that helps to guide your practice of reading the Bible on a daily basis. Spend ten minutes at the beginning and end of your day listening to prayer and scripture read aloud as you practice meditating on God’s Word.

The YouVersion Bible (App): Download the FREE Bible App to digitally access the Bible and explore Bible Reading Plans, daily scripture, and more!