Who did God create me to be?

13 minutes2 of 9

You matter. God created each of us uniquely but our sinful world will often twist the goodness of God in us. In order for us to truly live out our full potential, we have to discover who we are by identifying our strengths and our sinful tendencies. In this lesson, Tammy talks about our inner beauty and brokenness and how they work together to help us better understand who God has truly created us to be. 

Start here:

Step One: Click the arrow above to watch the video

Step Two: Download and go through the Work It Out questions

Step Three: (optional) Check out any of the additional Resources on this topic! Take the Enneagram assessment, browse the A Book Called You website and grab your own copy of the book,  and listen to the Cultivating YOU podcast!

Step Four: Mark complete, and you are ready for the next lesson

About The Resources:

Work It Out Questions (PDF): Questions for you to work through individually or in a group

Take the Assessment (Website): Start identifying your areas of beauty and brokenness, and take the Enneagram self-assessment to find out your style!

A Book Called You  (Website): A Book Called YOU by Pastor Matthew Brown will help you learn about the person you were made to be and how a biblical view of self-discovery can improve every part of your life.

Cultivating YOU: Real Enneagram Conversations  (Podcast): Join Tammy Brown and her special guests as they talk about using The Enneagram as a tool to better understand how they can reflect God in their lives. The Enneagram can’t save you – only Jesus can do that – but the Enneagram will help you better understand yourself, God, and others SO THAT you can live the life you were created for.