Foundations: Love People
About this course
What does it mean to ‘love people?’ There’s been a pendulum swing in the church on how we ‘love’ people well – we either affirm and embrace or oppose and excommunicate. Learn more about how to love people the way Jesus does and the way he commands based on the three great commandments – love God, love people, and live on mission – then practice loving people with three building blocks of the Discipleship strategy: gathering, giving and serving others.
Things you’ll learn
- How and why we gather with others
- The meaning, function and practice of the Lord’s Supper (communion)
- How we are transformed through giving and serving
- What Jesus says about justice and His upside down kingdom approach to subverting world powers
How to Get Started
What to expect
📖 6 Lessons
▶️ 1.5 Hours of video
🗣 Discussion questions
🖨️ Printable tools
📚 Additional resources
✉ Reach out if you have questions
Why should I gather with others?
God says in Genesis 2:8 that it is not good for man to live alone. In this lesson, Adam shares about the importance of gathering closely with others on a regular basis in order to build transformational relationships and discover your purpose.
Did Jesus go to church? Why should I?
Church was God’s idea, or at least the idea of gathering together was His idea. When we gather together in the way that God wants us to, we are encouraged, inspired and living out the mission that God has uniquely designed for you. In this lesson, Melody talks about the purpose of the Church and why we should consistently participate.
What is the Lord’s Supper?
The Lord’s supper, also commonly referred to as the practice of communion, is how we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. In this lesson, Pastor Fredo teaches us that while the practice of communion is simple, the significance is sacred. Find out what communion means and why communion is an important rhythm in the life of a believer.
Why should I give to my local church?
Our desire to monetarily give stems from our understanding and greater desire to be generous. In this lesson, Andrew tells us what God says about generosity and how our acts of giving bless others and God and will ultimately bless our own lives.
Why and how should I serve?
The act of serving demonstrates that we are living the life of a follower of Jesus. In this lesson, Vivi tells us that our pursuit in learning to love God will result in the desire to love people and we can show our love through serving others in the Church. When we position ourselves to serve, we ultimately position ourselves to grow and become more like Jesus.
What is justice?
Does God care about justice and what does the Bible say about it? In this lesson, Jeff tells us that justice is not found in a set of rules or principles, but it’s actually found within the character of God and His deep love of people. By partnering with God’s heart for justice, we become advocates for those that need a voice.