What is the Lord’s Supper?

10 minutes3 of 6

The Lord’s supper, also commonly referred to as the practice of communion, is how we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. In this lesson, Pastor Fredo teaches us that while the practice of communion is simple, the significance is sacred. Find out what communion means and why communion is an important rhythm in the life of a believer.

Start here:

Step One: Click the arrow above to watch the video
Step Two: Download and go through the Work It Out questions
Step Three: Check out the resource links for a deeper understanding of each lesson
Step Four: Mark complete, and you are ready for the next lesson

About The Resources:

Work It Out Questions (PDF): Questions for you to work through individually or in a group
Why we should sit together (Video Clip): Pastor Jeff Whye shares the importance of regularly gathering together to share the Lord’s Supper. Our togetherness demonstrates our value of Jesus’ example to reconcile this world.