Passion with God

23 minutes2 of 8

When you think of passion, you probably think of new love, a passionate scene in a movie, or the passion you had together at the beginning of your relationship. You probably don’t think about God. But God has created us to experience his passionate love for us and display that love back to him. Zephaniah 3:17 paints a picture of God’s passion for you. Can you imagine God strumming a guitar as he belts out a ballad with you as his muse? Passion is essential to marriage, so let’s take a look at the author of passion and how you can experience, receive, and return it. Next week, we will jump into what it looks like to take that passion and display it to your spouse as well.

About the Resources:

Study Guide (PDF): This outline will help guide you through the video. It also contains additional resources and activities
Work It Out Questions (PDF): Questions for you to work through individually or with your spouse.
Lectio Divina (PDF): Latin for “Divine Reading,” is a traditional practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer that promotes communion with God and growth in God’s word.