Intimacy with God

21 minutes6 of 8

Intimacy is not just sex. Many of your intimate relationships will never (and should never) lead to sex. Intimacy is the closeness of sharing your hopes and dreams, fears and failures. Intimacy is being known and knowing someone in return. God has a desire for you to know him intimately, and he wants to know you the same. This session explores our invitation to step into an intimate relationship with God, to not just know about Him but to be known and know him in a deep and personal way.

About the Resources:

Study Guide (PDF): This outline will help guide you through the video. It also contains additional resources and activities
Work It Out Questions (PDF): Questions for you to work through individually or with your spouse.
Lectio Divina (PDF): Latin for “Divine Reading,” is a traditional practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer that promotes communion with God and growth in God’s word.