Commitment with Spouse

24 minutes5 of 8

Commitment is more than just not leaving. Commitment is a choice you get to make each day to make your spouse and your marriage a priority and to remember it’s important to you and you are important to each other. This session will cover the true meaning of love, how to live it out, and how to choose each other day in and day out. At a basic level, commitment might be the staying power in your relationship, but don’t settle for basic; push into the strength and safety of choosing each other over and over again. 

About the Resources:

Study Guide (PDF): This outline will help guide you through the video. It also contains additional resources and activities
Work It Out Questions (PDF): Questions for you to work through individually or with your spouse.
Lectio Divina (PDF): Latin for “Divine Reading,” is a traditional practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer that promotes communion with God and growth in God’s word.